1f. Radial Basis Interpolation Using Surfe#

Surfe is a C++ library written by Michael Hillier from the Geological Survey of Canada. The library can be found on MichaelHillier/surfe

Python wrappers allow for the library to be used from within a python interface. There are two ways of installing surfe: 1. Follow the CMake instructions on the surfe repository to build the code from source. 2. Download the precompiled library from the github releases MichaelHillier/surfe

Once you have the correct file for your system you will need to add an environment variable to windows SURFE

from LoopStructural import GeologicalModel
from LoopStructural.visualisation import LavaVuModelViewer

from LoopStructural.datasets import load_claudius  # demo data

import numpy as np
import logging


data, bb = load_claudius()  # claudius.get_data()
bb[1, 0] += 200
bb[0, 0] -= 200
bb[1, 1] += 200
bb[0, 1] -= 200
bb[1, 2] += 200
bb[0, 2] -= 200

model = GeologicalModel(bb[0, :], bb[1, :])
data["random"] = np.random.random(data.shape[0])
model.set_model_data(data[data["random"] < 0.01])  # [np.isnan(data['val'])])
strati = model.create_and_add_foliation("strati", interpolatortype="surfe", method="single_surface")
print(strati.evaluate_value(model.regular_grid((10, 10, 10))))
viewer = LavaVuModelViewer(model, background="white")

# determine the number of unique surfaces in the model from
# the input data and then calculate isosurfaces for this
unique = np.unique(strati.interpolator.get_value_constraints()[:, 3])
viewer.add_isosurface(model.features[0], slices=unique, cmap="prism", paint_with=model.features[0])
# # viewer.add_section(model.features[0],
# #                    axis='x',
# #                    value=0,
# #                    boundary_points=model.bounding_box,
# #                    nsteps=np.array([30,30,30]),
# #                     ,
# #                   cmap='prism')
# viewer.add_scalar_field(model.features[0],
#                      cmap='prism')

# # Add the data addgrad/addvalue arguments are optional
# viewer.add_data(model.features[0],addgrad=True,addvalue=True, cmap='prism')
# viewer.lv.rotate([-85.18760681152344, 42.93233871459961, 0.8641873002052307])
viewer.interactive()  # to add an interactive display

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